Docker ip addr show
Docker ip addr show

docker ip addr show

To understand that, you need to understand how containers communicate with each other. You may also use grep command to get just the lines matching the string "IPAddress".ĭon't be alarmed if your container has more than one IP address. Go towards the end and look into the Networks section to get the container's IP address. The inspect command gives you many details about the container you are inspecting. There are no ads in this search engine enabler service.Don't know the container's name or ID? Use the command sudo docker ps. GitHub blocks 99.2% of all GitHub Wikis from search engines. ℹ️About GitHub Wiki SEE, a search engine enabler for GitHub Wikis as See Creating Presets for a guide on creating encoding presets.See Security for additional security recommendations.Verify your encode job by checking your outbound path in S3.Destination should auto-populate the output folder in your outbound S3 path.This should load your configured inbound S3 path. Select a file by clicking the input field.Select a pre-configured preset, such as h264_baseline_360p_600.Once you have settings configured, you can now run an encode job.

docker ip addr show

If you are NOT using the Machines API, you can still run your own worker instance via Docker:ĭocker run -d -env-file. The worker instance will take about ~5 minutes to boot, provision and subscribe to the job queue. Select a region, size and count to spin up a worker instance.If you have configured a Digital Ocean API Key, then you can use the Machines API for scaling workers. Configure all necessary settings for S3.If you plan to run the Machines API, you'll also need a Digital Ocean API key. In order to run encode jobs, you will need your S3 credentials, region and buckets. Login with user at You should see all tabs including settings.


UPDATE "public"."users" SET "role" = 'admin' WHERE "username" LIKE ' ' You should now have a Server API and Web Dashboard running.

docker ip addr show

However, the worker should still be able to connect to these ports.ĭocker-compose -f docker-compose-production.yml up -d The reason for this is we don't want to expose the redis and db ports publicly, only on your own private network. Configure private networking address for redis and db:.This configures the worker to connect to the redis and db instances. The CLOUDINIT entries are for the startup script when a Machine is created via Machines API. This is to map nginx-proxy to the running openencoder-web container from the DNS entry. Configure your DNS and private networking for openencoder-web:.See Security for additional setup recommendations around security. Please note, openencoder should not be publicly accessible for security reasons. Digital Ocean API Key (only required for Machines API).S3 API Credentials & Bucket (AWS or Digital Ocean).Redis - Key/value database used as a message broker for the worker.PostgreSQL - Relational database system.Optional, but recommended for this setup guide. Web: A web UI for monitoring and managing encode jobs.Worker: A background process listening and running jobs on the worker queue.Server: HTTP API and worker queue for submitting and managing encode jobs, and other operations.This guide will step through the process of building and running the production build via Docker.

Docker ip addr show